Monday, March 17, 2014

The Fan Art of Lainey!!

A few weeks ago, I ran a contest with my awesome street team and challenged them to make some fan art. Here are the fun responses I got, along with a couple additional fan art moments thrown in from last year when the cover first released.

Inky from Book Haven Extraordinaire did her best cover pose. It's eerie how much she looks like the cover model!

Nikki  from Fiction Freak gave the cover a fun Halloween makeover!

Kayla from The Bibliophilic Nerds redoes the cover with her fave Pokemon!

Lorena from Brasilian Book Lover went with a Pokemon theme too!

Nikki from Fiction Freak redid the cover Nikki-style!

Kim from Divergent Gryffindor created a cool cover-themed outfit!

Sara from Forever 17 Books had her son draw this pic of the cover!

Eli and Frances turned Lainey into an anime girl!

Got fan art? Anyone, anywhere, who emails me some LAINEY-related art will automatically win an extended swag pack to include bookmarks, postcards, magnets, and buttons. I'm also going to put all of my fan art in my blog sidebar because I appreciate your efforts so much :) Happy reading and art-making!


  1. Love all of this fan art! Actually working on one with Frances from France With An S! Will email you soon. :D Can't wait to see more!

  2. Eli--I am so looking forward to showing that off. I'll wait until you guys post it and then link to your post, but it is amazing!!

  3. It is crazy how much Inky looks like the model. lol

    1. Haha! It's really cool that so many of you think so I've never been compared to a cover model before. :D

  4. ACK! I'm on your blog! That's so cool! I'm so glad you love my "fan art"! It was way to much fun. I'll reenact it anytime for you. :D I love all the others too! They are so unique and different that is awesome!!!

    1. I totally agree with Sara. Maybe you should think about "cover modeling" in your off-time :)

  5. These are awesome! I'm jealous of everyone's skills!


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