Monday, November 23, 2015

#BlackFridayDeals: Liars, Inc. $1.99 Sale and Manuscript Critique Giveaway!

It's that time of year again...

So REI is recommending that people #OptOutside this Black Friday. I don't know where they are based, but I suspect it's someplace warmer than where most of us live. Therefore I am recommending an alternate #OptInside idea, one that involves hot cocoa and kitties and books, and does not involve getting jabbed in the kidney by an elderly man with a cane who probably needs that 62 inch flat screen more than you do.

This #BlackFriday, why not curl up with a kitty (okay, a dog is also acceptable), a mug of delicious cocoa (okay, tea is also acceptable), and a copy of Liars, Inc. for the low, low price of $1.99? (Sorry, no other books are acceptable. Hehehe, just kidding :D)

But seriously, HarperTeen has discounted the e-book at Amazon, Amazon-Canada (#YayCanada!), B&N and iTunes. Here's a link where you can read the beginning if you're a try before you buy kind of person :) Maybe check out some of the fun extras while you're there.

But maybe you don't want to read Liars, Inc. because you hate mysteries or slacker boy narrators or you've already read it or you're planning to focus on powering through the rest of your #NaNoWriMo manuscript. I don't officially do NaNo (though I unofficially do it about once a year when I get behind on deadlines >_>), but I am totally in awe of you guys that can maintain that laserlike focus for more than 2 minutes  an entire month.

So I thought in the spirit of awesome deals that I would give away three 10-page critiques (valued at $30.00 each) in exchange for supporting Liars, Inc. You don't have to be a NaNo participant to enter this contest, but the three winners will be required to submit the first 10 pages of their WIP or finished work in standard 12-point font, double-spaced format between December 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. (This window is just because I am kind of a giveaway machine sometimes and I can't leave stuff too open-ended or I lose track of it.) My published books are all YA, but I have edited MG, NA, and adult, and feel comfortable working with stories in these categories. Winners must be 13+ or have a parent's permission.

And why would you want a critique from me? Well, you can read my shamelessly braggy editor bio on the Manuscript Critique Services site, but the short version is that I've got 5 books out and another 5 on the way, I've worked with editors at Penguin Teen, Paper Lantern Lit, HarperTeen, and Tor Teen, and most importantly, I LOVE to crit manuscripts and query letters. Not just because I like the challenge of analyzing a manuscript or query letter and deciding what is and isn't working, but also because helping other writers helps me grow as a writer myself. Here's a quote from one of my recent clients:

"Paula's thorough, personalized, incisive, thought-provoking feedback is precisely what I needed to make my work agent-ready. I highly recommend MCS. Consider it a shrewd career investment!"

And just to be clear, if you win a free critique, there is no obligation to purchase additional editing, there's no obligation to respond to my crit notes (though I welcome comments and questions), and you will never hear from me again unless you contact me. Sound good? Check out the Rafflecopter below and tell me in the comments what you're really going to do on #BlackFriday :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am going to see The Good Dinosaur on black friday. I usually shop online on cyber monday or go to the stores a couple days before...because I found that there are better sales!

    1. I usually wait until January for the "Now that Everyone is Broke" sales :) You know, when I'm the only one in the checkout line and there are 200 people in line at customer service with their returns.

  2. I am going to two exercise classes--one in the morning and then before dinner. I may shop at Goodwill inbetween.

    1. You WIN. Also, REI called and they totally approve. I am going to exercise class too :)

  3. I'm going to be setting up lots of set for the theatre school I teach at. Dress run in the evening. They're so adorable 😊

    1. So fun! Way better than being crushed in a stampede of shoppers :)

  4. I'm gonna try and not weep to much at the online deals I'll be missing because I cannot shop at all! Being broke sucks!
    I'll probably make some tea or even hot chocolate and watch something on the telly!

  5. I'm not a big Black Friday person, so I'll probably end up sleeping thorough it or if I do go buy something it'll probably be books. Haha, I'm such a nerd.

    1. Sleeping sounds awesome. I'll be working (or pretending to work, anyway).

  6. I'll be with my family, so there will probably be lots of sitting around staring at our phones as we play Words With Friends with each other and making fart jokes.

    1. Ha! I love that you play WWF w/ each other even though you're in the same place. Back in the olden days of my youth, my family used to play primitive WWF, AKA Scrabble :)

  7. We dont do Black Friday in Serbia , ill be going out of town most likely , to meet up with friends in capital city and go watch THE LITTLE PRINCE because im waiting for that movie since i was 9 basically . -Kira

    1. "If you please, draw me a sheep." GAH. I NEED THAT MOVIE.

  8. My friends and I used to do a whole big crazy crack-of-dawn shopping spree but with the advent of Cyber Monday increasingly we are doing lunch and a spa day!!

    1. SPA DAY! Funny how we all get smarter as we get older. I think spa day is the best idea yet :)

  9. I'm planning to buy books! Christmas presents for my friends.

  10. I'm planning on staying inside, writing. And possibly using my 30% off coupon for Barned=s and Noble and ordering some book online.

  11. I actually lessened my twitter activity because I knew there would be BLACK FRIDAY sales everywhere. I could not buy more books because most probably I would buy books as a Christmas present for myself.

    (Btw, because I'm lucky in your giveaways, I joined for a friend. Hope I win again! :D)

  12. This sounds like an amazing deal as I have very few people that have crit my work in progress manuscript. Fingers crossed. And good luck to everyone else. :)


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